Faith to Move
Walking by faith when things seem chaotic
Chaos: A state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organisation or order.
Emptiness, sinking into obscurity, becoming nothingness, or falling prey to weakness.
Desolation, void, formless, without light, a wilderness unfit for habitation, waste, pathless wastes, nothingness.
A place of deep shadow, of utter gloom without order.
The disorder that proceeds God's creative activity.
God created the Heavens and Earth---all you see, all you don't see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God's spirit brooded like a bird over the watery abyss. God spoke: "Light!"
Genesis 1:1-5 MSG
Let there Be light
May the darkness in your life flee.
The darkness caused by ignorance, disappointment, rejection, fear, failure, trouble, grief, bitterness and sin....May God's glorious light, truth, mercy and love flood those places.
Breakthrough belongs to you.
Transformation will take place as you walk by faith.
By the time you arrive at your next place, a very different "you" will emerge.
You are a sign of hope and transformation.
Out of that chaotic cocoon, a beautiful butterfly will emerge.
Perhaps you can pinpoint an area in your life that's chaotic right now.....
Many of us are transforming into another version of ourselves and for me personally, it's scary and exciting. Many are transitioning into new levels and stages of life---still, it all can be a little chaotic. Chaotic, as in an obscure place. Every scene change is accompanied by a glimpse of darkness. Transition doesn't always have to be hard, which is why we must build our faith to continue to move in spite of the challenges, fears and doubts.
If you're waiting for everything to be perfect, you'll be waiting forever.
Faith doesn't wait for perfection, it sees things as done already.
Faith is being sure and certain of what's on the other side. When we work with faith, beautiful things happen. Many people have faith, but it's not always with works.
Faith without works is dead. (James 2:17)
If what you BELIEVE doesn't result in ACTION, it is useless.
Even in the creative process, I sometimes have no idea what I'm doing. I just write and speak hoping that something of substance and value comes out. And sometimes, I move only with my desired outcome in mind. It takes faith to do everything.
Faith is what gives you the nerve, the audacity to take the next step without having all of the details.
When you practice moving by faith, you'll be surprised by the many things you will accomplish without thinking about it. It'll be as if you're on autopilot.
Faith pleases God. (Hebrews 11:6)
Most of the time, we hesitate to take the next step in faith because we really don't believe that God is with us.
Maybe we don't believe because we aren't knowledgeable of His nature and His word.
It's possible that we aren't knowledgeable of His nature and His word because we either have not heard the truth or we simply don't spend time with Him.
Make time for God.
Time with God builds your trust in Him.
A relationship without communication, quality time and intimacy, will die.
Who and what you put your faith in matters.
Faith is trust, belief, reliance, conviction and persuasion.
As a believer, I place my faith in God's ability above my own.
It's not the absence of having faith in myself... It's simply understanding that God is God and that He has a track record of doing things exceptionally well. I have an understanding that because He loves me and is in covenant with me, I can trust His plan, purpose and heart's intent for me.
I've learned early on that I need Him to navigate in these dark spaces. I also leaned that faith works best when you're in relationship with Him. It allows me to rest in during chaotic times.
Build faith in God through relationship
It's not until you're in relationship with someone that you truly understand their heart, character and nature. In time, you'll build confidence and trust in them. You'll grow in intimacy and begin to share parts of yourself that you wouldn't offer to strangers.
The same goes for building relationship with God.
We do this by faith.
You can't see Him, but you know that He exists.
You read your bible, you pray and worship.
God is a spirit, so we build relationship with Him, by spending time seeking Him through His word and by talking to Him through prayer.
We worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Have faith in God...whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. Mark 11:22,24
We must always pray.
We come before God with a grateful heart, believing that He hears us.
We thank Him for who He is, what He's done and what He is doing.
We engage His presence and listen for His voice.
Prayer is a dance with God.
It's an exchange.
He takes us into His world and shows us things that our human minds cannot fathom.
We gain strategy, wisdom, understanding and revelation of His perfect will during prayer.
Oh boy...and when you build yourself up in your most holy faith (tongues), God opens up His bountiful treasures and shows us the amazing things.
Read your Bible
The entrance of His word, brings light.
The absence of light is darkness.
Darkness is the absence of God's presence.
It's ignorance.
God desires to shed light through His word.
He desires to give us understanding, knowledge and the wisdom to apply it.
Ask for light.
Ask for an accurate understanding of His word.
In His word, you'll see the truth about who He is, His heart for you and His ability.
In this case, you're looking for evidence that He is able to help you take the next step. You're looking to build your faith by finding proof in His word that He is the master of chaos. More than anything, find promises (seeds of faith) that aligns with what it is that you need in your life.
The more that you rehearse and meditate on those promises, the more that you build your faith.
Rehearse the promise.
Meditate on it.
Take Action
We walk by faith, not by sight.
For each day, there are new mercies, new adventures and new levels of faith waiting for you.
There are daily doses of faith-filled promises that require our engagement. We must partner with the word by acting on what we believe.
Many times we're not stuck. We're just afraid of the unknown.
Fear of the unknown is a lack of faith that God is with you.
God is with you.
God is with you.
God is with you.
I don't want you to wait until all hell breaks loose before you tap into His power. I w ant youto carry it.
Which takes faith.
Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 NIV
I believe that God wants to demonstrate His power in your chaos.
I believe that He wants to help you develop faith in His ability to flex His power over your raging sea and to shine a bright light on the truth of who you really are in Him. You're more than a conqueror, you're the apple of His eye, you are equipped for every good work and you are backed by God every step of the way.
God isn't asking you to run by faith, but to walk by faith. One foot in front of the other.
One step at a time. Engaging with Him in every moment. Being aware of His presence.
Growing in love and trust in Him.
Arise, Shine.
Your light has come.
The Glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
Thank you for your light.
Thank you for your Word.
Thank you for walking with me.
Teach me your word, will and your way.
I acknowledge that you exist and that you are a rewarder of those that diligently seek you.
I repent for not being diligent.
I repent for not acknowledging you and for not seeking you first.
Open my ears to hear and my eyes to see the truth of who you are.
Position me for this faith journey. Order my steps.
Cause me to excel in strength and to grow in faith.
Teach me to enter into your glory and to thrive in it.
Fill me now with all of who you are.
I ask for the gift of faith and the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you.
I thank you for abundance.
Flood me with your Holy Spirit and give me grace to walk by faith all the days of my life.
I'm willing to be willing.
In Jesus' name,
Bloom in Faith,