5 Revelations in 2019
The original title for this was ‘5 Things I have gained in 2019’ and I must admit as this title came to me, the first thing I thought was weight. *covers face* … Don’t judge me but it is true, I have gained some of that thing called weight but that is a story fo another day. Hopefully one day soon, I will blog about my weight loss journey…peep that, I am speaking in faith:) Can’t wait though! It is not vanity, I just require more energy and agility to execute my assignment.
So it is the end of my birthday month (July) and it has been a super awesome month. I can’t even begin to describe all God has done. There have been so many destiny moments which have literally shifted my life. When the time is right and God permits, I will share more.
Last year I did a post similar to this one on things I had learnt in that year so I guess this is my annual reflection. Here are 5 things I have gained more revelation of this year. They are not new as such but more just things that have been very prevalent this year.
Discern your season and walk in it. Last year, it was all about discerning your season. This year, the added ginger is to walk in that season boldly, own it! Knowing your time and seasons is one thing but the point of knowing is so you can take the appropriate action or not in some cases.
Obedience is bae. Obey God! There is no shortcut to this. So many of us long to hear God, we go out of out way to hear Him but we are not always as quick to act on the instruction He gives us. We should not see God’s instruction as an option.
God reveals to redeem. Revelation is continuous and has layers so don’t get stuck in something that has moved (hope that makes sense). As the word says, we know in part and prophesy in part (1 Corinthians 13:9). God reveals at the right time and He equips us with how to deal with the revelation. May you always receive fresh revelation from heaven.
Prayer works! It does, it does, it does. Don’t stop, keep praying. Prayer is communion with God and aligns your heart with His. A good tip here is to constantly seeks the Father’s agenda, learn to pray for more than just yourself, for others, for nations and for the body of Christ.
There is a remnant! This is for those of you who may be feeling alone mostly because it seems like there is no around you who fully gets where you are in your walk with God, mostly you because you long to get deeper and you sense God is taking you there…there is a remnant! I pray that God will connect you with a community of remnants who will cover you and keep you encouraged.
I hope this helps you.
Stay blessed!