The Whole Daughter
Firstly, hi, hello, halo, happy new year!
Yes, I am still allowed to say that because I must not forget my manners and ensure I give you all the greetings that are due as this is officially my first blog post of the year! Yep! The first one of 2019…*covers face*
Right now, I am actually questioning my blogger status, like guuuuuurl, who do you think you are leaving your post??
Forgive me… let’s move on, shall we?
So what finally made me get my blogging act together and what exactly have I been up to? Well, my answer is I have been up to quite a few things and this post is a result of one of them.
Last year, the Lord led me to set-up an online prayer room for ladies like myself who are on fire for Him and desire to walk in His ways. I honestly thought this prayer room was really a one-off gathering, a specific assignment He had given me for that time but little did I know the there was more to it.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago, we recently had our 2nd annual conference in the prayer room titled ‘the whole woman’ and it was such a blessing. Each of the speakers covered a different aspects on what it means to be a whole woman. If you are interested in joining the group or catch some of the videos from the conference, click Facebook
As we rounded up the one week conference, the Lord gave me the below reminder on what it means to be His whole daughter. It is His desire that we are whole and find this in Him. Anything else is a temporary counterfeit.
2 Corinthians 6:18: I will be a true Father to you, and you will be my beloved sons and daughters,” says the Lord Yahweh Almighty.
From the above scripture, God already assures us that He is our true Father and that we are His beloved daughters. That means He is not like our earthly fathers, not matter how great they maybe. He is our Abba Father who lives us dearly.
So exactly who is the whole daughter in relation to Her Father?
She is made in His image and likeness, Genesis 1:27.
She is loved by Him, 1 John 3:1.
She inherits Her Father’s qualities, Ephesians 1:5.
Knowing all of this, what does she do to live in the wholeness of Her Father?
She seeks Her Fathers heart, direction and instruction.
She obeys and follows His instruction.
She spends time with her Father.
She knows who she is.
She understands her authority.
She lives by her Father’s word.
She speaks her Father’s word.
She says what her Father says about her.
She lives beyond salvation.
She sees her Father as the only way. In other words she doesn’t see Him as a choice, she has no choice.
Whether you feel like you have tho down packed or you don’t
I pray this short but sweet download serves as a good reminder of who God is as your Father and how He sees you as His daughter, His delight the apple of His eye. The one who He sent His firs fruit to die for and save. Ponder on this and whether you feel like you have this down packed or you are struggling to live & accept this, ask Holy Spirit to shed more light on how to be the whole daughter (or even son) the Father has ordained you to be.
Your Father loves you.
Stay blessed,